The Masked Thief

By on 2022.10.18.

Symphony Space ( 2537 Broadway 95th St.,N.Y.) is a performing Arts Center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan offering programs in theatre, film, literature, music, dance and family.

Stories by Students from Community – Based Literacy Groups in New York City. The Special Event was in May 23rd 2013 at 7 pm

One of the famous Actors will read from 37 stories.
They published all of the stories.

By Eduardo Garcia Performed by Sonia Manzano

Sonia Manzano is known to millions as Maria on Sesame Street,as character she`s played since 1971.She has earned fifteen Emmy Awards as a writer for the show. Her theatre credits include: The Vagina Monologues The Exonerated Godspell.

Eduardo Garcia s story

” I used to feed a little cat that I found in my grandma`s backyard.The kitty was growing quickly;and he was comfortable at the place,even though he didn`t live there.He liked to spend most of his time just relaxing on the couch where grandfather used to sit on the porch next to my granny`s garden.I named the cat Lucky. ”   

” One day, Lucky suddenly became very nervous and he was losing weight without any reason. He also cried every night.I was concerned about his health.I was trying to find out why Lucky was crying in the middle of the night.Why he was losing weight,despite me leaving his food beside the couch and his bowl being empty the following mornings. ”   

” Another time, a sound woke me up in the middle of the night.It was Lucky running around the house. When I opened the porch door,I saw a young racoon eating the cat`s food.When he heard my footstep approaching the door,he ran and disappeared into the darkness. ” 

” From that day, I officially adopted the cat. He`s still living with me. The racoon has a big bowl on the porch, which is filled with food every day. So now,I have two happy pets. ”  

Part 2 and click here >>>

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